12.10.2008 | 01:45
śr bréfi til vinar ķ Žżskalandi
Actually I blame the severity of the economic situation here on UK“s PM Gordon Brown bullying and intimidating little Iceland, in football hooligan style ("Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment" according to Wikipedia )
In recent polls the UK Labour government ratings fell super dramatically. PM Brown needed a scapegoat to boost his ratings and draw the attention from his incompetence.
PM Browns solution: Officially blame the World Economic Crises on the Icelanders. Reason: Brances of Icelandic banks operating in London were subjected to the W.E.Crises.
In the recent days, UK media has been flooded with hate reports on the Icelandic nation which were triggered by the UK Primeminister order to storm Icelandic companies in Britain and close them down, based on "anti terrorist laws" Even Icelander owned banks that were British companies, operating under British laws and regulations were stormed and destroyed.
Based on our education, Icelanders immediately spotted a tried and proven recipe originating from Österreich in the 1930“s. Then the scapegoat were the JEWS. I don“t believe the recipe will be cost effective this time. I have seen alot of people here open their mouth. None of them have goldfillings ! - His mistake !
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